Thursday, 20 September 2018

The new girl and the bullys

When miss Petrus told us about the movie making everyone was SO SO SO EXITED that we were going to be making movies I also felt like I was going to scream because I was so Exiting but when we started to make our movies we needed to do a lot of think before we even started filming,sometimes I started to get nervous of talk and if we got it right or not.The film was about to not be a bully because it can course problems between them.How we got our idea for the film is because we all said our ideas that we had and then we got that idea.We worked as a team because we all got include to put our own head together and think of that film.I think that we should change the teacher because you can see that the teacher is different then the other.I think that we will do the same as Jordyn's group. If you have enjoyed this blog post please leave a comment.Thank you bye.


  1. you Gus are respectful and good.

  2. Hi there my name is Shamili i like the movie you posted on your blog. I have also did a movie just like that it's called The Mean Girls it was hard work. maybe next time you should add some more interesting things. how come Sirrena was the teacher and then she was a student???
    By Shamili
