Thursday 13 December 2018

How to get ready for christmas

This is my ideas about how to get ready
for Christmas. If you like it please leave
a comment and Thank you for reading
and if you do not know how to get ready
for Christmas you really should use my
ideas and it will be some amazing.  

How to get ready for Christmas What you need

How to get ready for Christmas

What you need

  1. Put your Christmas tree up
  2. Get the tinsel and put it on the tree
  3. Go and put your light up and decorate your house.
  4. Put your Christmas costume on  
  5. Put your decoration on the front door
  6. Get the cookies , Milk , pie and the carrots on the table  
  7. Get your party popper in place
  8. Go put the presents underneath the tree
  9. Put the colouring things out on the table  
  10. Get or make the dessert  
11. Put your stocking in place and put some presents in it.  

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