Friday 16 October 2020

Holiday Acrostic Poem!!!

Hellooo everyone. This is a poem of my recount in the holidays I hope you enjoy and love the creative things I have put on. <33
Kia ora, Thank you


Thursday 2 July 2020


hello this is one of my homophones activity I hope that you can learn a bit that you don't know if you like it and you learn't something from me please leave a like and a comment please and enjoy bye and thanks.

Given word
Homophone/s + Meaning
moving in a direction
  1. Too (more than needed + in addition/as well).
  2. Two (the number otherwise written as ‘2’).
to listen

  1. Here ( When you are telling someone where you are)
  1. Mail (A mail from the bank and other people or stores)
someone else’s
    1.There  (A place of where you are)
brand new
    1.Knew  (Knew is like you saying yes like you    
        remembered it  )
grows on your body
  1. Hear ( Listen )
helps to steer a boat
  1. Sale   ( You can buy )
  1. Know ( I know that  )
lack of colour
  1. Pail ( a bucket  )
  1. So   ( so what are you doing )
to view something
    1.Sea ( ocean )
part of an animal
    1.Tale  (  a story )
arrange to see
  1. Meat  ( something you eat )
agree to receive
  1. Except ( on one condition )
past tense of throw
  1. Through  ( like moving in and out of a house )

Wednesday 1 July 2020

The Digital Event ( Ako-hiko Tool-kits )

Hello this is about an event that happened it was
really  fun but today I am going to be showing you
how to get on if you managed  to get on then please
leave a comment and a like thank you and i hope you
enjoyed bye

The digital event ( Akohiko Toolkits )

 This year we had an event that was called Toolkit's.
Toolkits is an event where six or seven schools come
together and look at each other's programs. One of
the programs was called Incredibox , Incredibox was
one of my favourite apps out of all three programs
that I participated in. Incredibox is an app that you
can use to make your own beats. It is a fun game /
app. It is an app that will make you smile and jump up
and down. For Incredibox you will not need to sign in
or back out of that account. 

How do you get on Incredibox?
add a new tab
1. Add a new tab
2. Next is to type in demo - Incredibox
3.  Select  demo - Incredibox
4. There are going to be some boxes with names at the bottom and you can choose your own box.
5.  Next is to go and have the best time of your day!

Once you have done that you will see equipment like
headphones or other stuff and also you will see some
man higher than the equipment, once you are ready
to start playing the app you will need to drag your
equipment across to your men, once you do that your
person should be making a sound, well more like a
beat if you got lucky the colour that you chose would
maybe pop out and join the circle up on the top, if
you make the whole circle go green then you might
want to press it and then you will unlock the next
level for that sound. 


Tuesday 23 June 2020

When and where I learnt tool-kits from

This is a summary about Tool-kits I hope you like it
Written By Edyn  

!When and where I learnt Tool-kits from!

On a another Thursday, we had a very organised day it was all about tool-kits, Tool-kits is an event that every year it brings a smile on your face and you will probably have the best day of your school life, due to covid-19๐Ÿ˜ท, all schools that participated to tool-kits, couldn’t come to each others school for their programs๐Ÿ˜ฌ, so we had done something different this year. ๐Ÿ˜ 

This year one of the most Incredible apps that we used was Incredibox ๐Ÿ˜Ž, Incredibox is an app to make beats, like for music. One of the reasons why my eyes were glued to the screen was because it was really entertaining. It has 7 music places but 3 of them are locked, I think you would like Incredibox as well.

I think the things that can change is making sure that we can all work together as a team and make sure that we are welcoming others into our team.๐Ÿ˜„

!!!Thank you for reading!!!

Wednesday 20 November 2019

A safe way to copyright.

HELLO, This is a video of how to not get copyrighted.
That means if you ever want to copy a picture off from google then you copy it and you make something with it then the person that the picture belongs to can take it back with all the things you have got.
Any ways I hope you can use this in your learning, I hope you enjoy. Like and comment please and thanks.

Friday 25 October 2019

At Snow Planet is a writing recount of my holiday.

Hello. This is a story about me and so of my family going to Snow Planet in the holidays. I hope you enjoy my recount. Make sure you leave a comment and like below.

At Snow Planet

On October the 11th, on the last week of the Holidays, some of the family down from Hamilton came up to Auckland  to spend the week up here. One of my older cousins that came up to Auckland is named Ava. She is 12 years  old and a month apart from Jordyn. My other older cousin’s name is Tessa. She is one year older than me . The last cousin that is younger than me is named Piper. She is turning 6 this year.

So on that week on Friday, my cousin’s dad who is my Uncle took us to Snow  Planet in the North sore. When we got there it looked really small on the outside  and huge in the inside, it was like I had just stepped inside a refrigerator. When we got use to the refrigerator (snow which is just like mushed up ice.)
I started [throwing snow at Jordyn and Ava. When I threw snow at them, some of the snow went down their tops and that got them wet and really FREEZING COLD!!!... After that, we had a SNOW FIGHT! Where the youngest vs the two Oldest. It was like, ‘‘So unfair’’. BTW (by the way) we were Tubing. Tubing is when you go on this donuts that you sit in and you can ride down the snow. Next when I got back from tubing, I went to my uncle, I laid down on the snow and did a snow angles. When my cousins and  sister came along, they followed me  and laid down on the snow. After that me and one of my older cousins went down the snow and when we got to the end of the snow me and my cousin went inside the cafe. When we were in the cafe we went to my Nana, my younger cousin and Uncle. When we got there, we ate the food that we packed, which was sandwiches and veges. Since me and my older cousin were taking too long in the cafe, my sister and cousin came up to the cafe. When they came, they were shocked that we didn’t tell them that it was time to eat. After we finished eating we went back inside the snow and did a few more tubing down the snow. When we were tired of tubing, we all went  inside the cafe and when we did, Jordyn went to go and get her bag from the car for me to change my pants because they were wet. When  finished getting changed, we went back to the car and we drove back home. While we were driving back home all of the kids went to sleep.       

.!!!THE END!!!.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Masina and the magic sea shell

This is one part of Masina and the magic sea shell by using scratch.
I hope you enjoy it 